Fair Play, a must read.
Let’s be honest. If you’ve been on social media at all since Christmas, it’s filled with memes and jokes about Moms/women not knowing what day it is, feeling exhausted from the holidays, just DONE. Much of the work that I do as a coach revolves around helping my clients to do their own internal work. […]

It happens to me too.
As I wrote these words a few short weeks ago, I was preparing to be photographed for updated headshots. A mess of feelings have come up over the last several weeks. Feelings of inadequacy, fear, need to control. My face, my body – it doesn’t look the same in the year 2023 as it did […]

It’s Time to Flip the Script
It’s time to flip the script, friends. Negative self-talk, body shaming and food shaming is bad for you and everyone else around you. Are you talkin’ to me? This is a message to parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends and family. If you can’t do this work for yourself please consider doing it for […]

Anticipating and Responding to Unwanted Comments
Most of us are happy to be able to gather with family and friends this year, and also there is an anticipation and anxiety around unwanted, unrequested and inappropriate comments. Comments about your looks, your body, your food choices. While we can’t control what others say to us, we do have control over how we […]

It’s Getting Hot In Here
Let’s talk menopause and perimenopause. It’s a hot topic (I KNOW, I couldn’t refuse). And it’s waaaay more than just hot flashes. I am not an expert on this. This is me sharing my experience, and inviting you to take a compassionate look at what may be happening within your body. If you are in […]

Weight Neutral Healthcare
You have the right to healthcare without being shamed regardless of your body shape, size or weight. Have you ever had the experience of going to your doctor with a health concern and then instead of addressing the health concern that you’re there to address, the health care professional confronts you about your weight? If this […]

It’s All Part of It
It’s all part of it. That’s a phrase that a coworker and I from my Hospice days used to use on the regular. What does it mean? It’s all connected. Death, taxes, sex, money, relationships, politics, all of it. So this month I’ve been thinking a lot about how once you get good at practicing […]

Body Respect
I was talking with friends recently about planning for vacation. Someone asked if I was worried about not being in the best shape to be able to take photos (or only take them from the chest up). I’m certain that this wasn’t said with hurtful intent – it’s just what we hear as the “diet […]

My “Why”
January always feels exciting to me. I think of all of my goals and I get really excited for my work with you. It is truly my pleasure to be by your side as you learn about Intuitive Eating and how to practice it in your life. In my practice as a nurse I have […]
Girl Scout Cookies and “Never Have I Ever”
It was Friday night. I was making a quick stop at the grocery store to pick up some odds and ends for dinner. It was a run in and run out kind of trip. I walked through the front door and was greeted by two Girl Scouts and their mothers who were selling Girl Scout […]
Change Is Coming
When life gets crazy, there are some people who want to talk it all out and then there are some people who get introspective and maybe don’t have much to say at all. I am the latter. Over the past six months, I have been busy studying, listening, and reading. During this time, I have […]
Now What?
Hello friends. It’s been a while. Like all of you I have been adapting to my new normal, trying to figure things out for myself and my family. In the coming days, weeks and months my hope is to help provide you with some thoughts or ideas to live in the moment, doing the best that […]
Let’s Talk Goals with Beth Pruessner
Good morning, friends! So – it’s January 5th of 2020. Who else woke up with sore muscles this morning? My thanks to Megan at Muddy Feet Yoga for the Hot Power Yoga class yesterday. Let’s talk goals. Or maybe the word “goal” causes stress for you. How about – what brings you joy? What do […]